FREE Video Series: '4 Editor Dislikes to Avoid'
Part 2
In this much shorter episode, we tackle Editor Dislike #2 -- which is inaccuracies. Editors dislike inaccuracies in press releases, article pitches, and backgrounder information. You lose all credibility if you don't focus on ensuring your facts and figures are accurate. So enjoy this short episode -- and make sure your content is accurate. You wouldn't give your audience inaccurate information in your marketing materials would you? So why would you do the same with an editor who can use you time and time again as a reliable resource for financial services info? Check it out and stay tuned for part 3 next week when we address another big editor dislike. |
Part 1
For years I've listened to credit unions nationwide expressing their concerns of being irrelevant. These are valid concerns -- especially when their bigger foes have massive marketing budgets and ample awareness that gives them a head start. The big equalizer, however, is getting mentioned in the media on a consistent basis. But you have to know the nuances of getting placed consistently and becoming a reliable source to editors. I'll show you how in this video series. In part 1 of our free video learning series, "4 Editor Dislikes to Avoid," we discuss one of the biggest dislikes of editors when pitching a story to get placed in their publications, networks, blogs, etc. Editors don't have a whole lot of time when comes to chatting about story ideas with credit unions or any organization for that matter. They are constantly on deadline. So if you can provide them with something educational, helpful, and/or newsworthy, then you've become a reliable source for them. They will come back to you time and time again because they trust you. With my more than 25 years experience in journalism, marketing, public relations, social media, I'll show you how to accomplish this goal on a consistent basis. These placements are incredibly beneficial to your credit union for three huge reasons -- of which we review in part 1 of our video series. So take a few minutes and check out part 1 and stay tuned for part 2 next week. If you have any questions, email me and we can chat. Thanks and look forward to helping out! |