Lending affects just about everybody in this business. Whether it's housing, auto, personal, or home improvement, it's a huge driver not only in the financial services industry but the economy as well. To get a closer look at the current state of lending in credit union land -- auto lending in particular, we invited CU Direct's Tony Boutelle on the show to give us a front row seat perspective. In this chat we obviously talk about CU Direct's place in the credit union lending market, but Tony also provides a couple of items CUs can do to increase their lending activity to generate income, the importance of having a mobile lending app today, and how an effective lending program can help attract and retain members. Many thanks to Tony for coming on the program and providing some practical lending takeaways. It's an info-packed program today, so check it out!
Visit: cudirect.com Some people on this planet are simply blessed to be good folks and have a ton of fun no matter what they do. Well, we have one of those people on our show today -- and that's Mr. Andy Janning. Formerly, Trainer Extraordinaire at Forum Credit Union, Andy has recently flown the credit union coop to start his own training and leadership consulting firm named No Net Solutions. Wanting to know more, we invited him on the show to find out why he started No Net, along with a few examples and anecdotes of his unique training and leadership techniques that surely set him apart from basically anybody else in this hemisphere -- and the other one, too. The kicker to the interview is the compelling story behind his firm's name, No Net. So stay on board for that segment. You also have to take a few minutes to watch Andy's well-produced video: A Trainer's Tale. So enough babbling on my part; enjoy the wisdom of Mr. Janning.
Visit: nonetsolutions.com Hard to believe it's been a little over three years since CUinsight burst on to the credit union scene. Since then the news aggregation site has grown exponentially adding video, industry experts, and a slew of other features that make the site incredibly robust. To get the inside scoop on CUinsight, we invited Founder Randy Smith on the show to chat about how the site has evolved over the years and what his future plans hold for the popular website. We also discuss a few industry trends, news items, and that bright red wall in Randy's office. Always good having Randy on the show. Check it out!
Visit: CUinsight.com #133: Fred Becker Celebrates NAFCU's 45th Annual Conference -- Among Other Hot CU Topics...7/12/2012
Always a good time when NAFCU's President/CEO Fred Becker comes on the show. Loaded with great insight and opinion on the state of the financial services industry, Fred consistently delivers. So it was high time to invite him back to chat about NAFCU's 45th Annual Conference & Exhibition in Nashville, July 24-28, 2012. Fred discusses what a huge milestone this is for NAFCU, along with the top speakers and hot topics that will be covered at the show. In addition to talking about NAFCU's 45th conference, we also touch on the latest credit union issues that Fred has been addressing the last few months: member business lending, tax exemption, regulatory situation, etc. As always, a great pleasure having Fred on the show. Enjoy!
Visit: NAFCU.org NAFCU's 45th Conference & Exhibition #132: Calling on credit unions for compensation and benefits survey with ECS Adam Zelinsky...7/9/2012
It's that time of the year again when Executive Compensation Solutions (ECS) has its call for participants for its annual "The Survey: Employee and Executive Benefit Surveys for the Credit Union Movement". ECS has been producing this free, comprehensive survey for nearly a decade now with great success in getting an annual barometer on salaries and benefits within the industry. So, once again, we invited ECS' Adam Zelinsky on the show to give us the background, trends, and timeline on The Survey 2012. Some excellent takeaways in this episode from Adam, as he also provides important information on how credit unions can participate in this year's survey -- and how Credit Unions for Kids will benefit from your participation. Enjoy the show!
Visit: ecs-m.com cu4kids.org |
Mike Lawson, HostMarried to a beautiful and wonderful wife, raising 5 kiddos (including twins!), enjoy helping others tell their stories, and love surfing SoCal waves. Keep it simple. Categories
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