#246: Today Show's Jean Chatzky dispenses a myriad of 'Money Rules' that you can apply right now...1/30/2014
Fresh off the set of NBC's Today Show, finance expert, author, and speaker Jean Chatzky joined us to talk a little credit unions -- along with her book "Money Rules." We started with credit unions discussing her affiliation with the industry, as she has become more and more prevalent attending and speaking at industry events the last couple years. We also touched on how credit unions can do a better job to enhance their brand, mitigating consumer confusion with banks.
We then ventured onto her book " Money Rules: The Simple Path to Lifelong Security," which is such a "that's so true!" read. It's full of common sense, financial advice made simple for all of us. I know I need all the help I can get, dog-earring plenty of pages. Jean also expanded her thoughts on some of my favorite rules: #78 -- The biggest threat to your financial security is your health. #43 -- The best cost-cutting tool is a good night's sleep. #7 -- "More money" won't always make "more happy." We cover much more in this entertaining and informative chat with Jean. Take a few minutes and check it out -- and let us know what some of your "money rules" are. Enjoy! Visit: jeanchatzky.com savvymoney.com Are Americans financially capable? Well, we're about find out in a new study conducted by Filene Research Institute and partner George Washington University. Filene's own Ben Rogers joins us to provide the inside scoop on this study that will focus on financial capabilities of four demographic groups in the USA: young adults, pre-retirees, women, and Hispanics. Each demographic will have its own report released each quarter -- expect the young adults report any day now.
Along with the specific groups being studied (and why they were chosen), Ben also provides us with why the study is being conducted, how it will help credit unions develop new products/services and conduct successful marketing campaigns. There's a lot more in this info-packed episode with Ben, so check it out and let us know how this type of data can benefit your credit union. Also, our apologies on the video quality. We believe the dreaded Polar Vortex that plagued the Midwest during this interview is responsible for the cantankerous connection. But the content is all there! Enjoy! Visit: filene.org Credit unions looking to increase their image should step up their efforts in working with the media. There's something about consistently being mentioned in the news that instantly propels a company or an individual as a leader. It's a credibility thing. If editors use an organization as a resource, they must know what they're talking about, right? Credit unions are no different. Credit unions can use the news to spread their message in targeted publications/stations/blogs/etc., as this all-important exposure can lead to a real boom in business.
We invited LTPR's President Casey Boggs on the program to provide further insight on how credit unions can apply certain strategies that will help them gain significant media exposure. In addition, Casey provides expert direction in crises communications, editor relationships, and conducting a "reputation audit" that shows an organization's community standing. We also discuss how credit unions can effectively use video to deliver their message in a unique and refreshing way. Let us know how effective your PR activities have been in garnering media attention. Other folks out there may want to know and apply your strategies. Visit: ltpublicrelations.com Crises Ready to Protect Credit Unions Mobile photo bill pay is gaining some steam in the financial services industry as a solution that can level the competitive playing field for smaller credit unions when they go head-to-head with the bigger FIs out there. Allied Payment Network's President/CEO Ralph Marcuccilli joins us to discuss how this technology can help credit unions and community banks compete with their bigger brothers without spending a fortune investing in extravagant tech products. In fact, Ralph's company deliberately targets smaller FIs when selling his mobile photo bill pay product PicturePay. It's an interesting strategy that seems to be paying off already.
Check out our discussion on this mobile technology and let us know what you think. Enjoy! Visit: alliedpaymentnetwork.com Will the day come when all you have to do is merely think about transferring $200 from your savings to cover your hydrogen-powered Prius car payment? Chances are Finovate's CEO Eric Mattson will be one of the first know -- and show it to you, as tech companies worldwide scramble to present at one of the four Finovate shows each year. We got a chance to talk to Eric to check in on 2014 trends and beyond -- and how the Finovate shows have influenced financial tech innovations since its first show back in 2007. Oh, and by the way, FinovateEurope in London is just a few weeks away. So if you have booked your ticket across the pond for the April 20-30 show yet, you better do it now. We also touch on how the Finovate events have evolved over the years to continually present the cream of the FI tech crop. There's plenty more in this episode with Eric, so take a few minutes and check it out -- and go to the show! Visit: finovate.com |
Mike Lawson, HostMarried to a beautiful and wonderful wife, raising 5 kiddos (including twins!), enjoy helping others tell their stories, and love surfing SoCal waves. Keep it simple. Categories
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